
Patient virtuel dialogant ('Virtual patient dialogue system')

(formerly, PatientGenesys project)

The project aims at integrating a natural language interaction system to simulate virtual medical consultations with a patient avatar.

The applied engineering aspect of the project aims at providing a dialogue system for healthcare professionals/students, who will be able of train their interrogation skills in a realistic simulation context.

The scientific goals behind this work are related to achieving a robust and large scale domain vocabulary. The dialogue needs to be automatically adapted to new clinical cases from varied medical specialties, according to the patient's data provided by the medical trainer.

The system is available in French, English and Spanish.

This project was carried out at the LIMSI laboratory (CNRS) and was supported by SATT Paris-Saclay (2016-2018), as a continuation of the PatientGenesys project.

Test the dialogue system

Project team

Industrial partner:

Former collaborators:

Scientific production

Available data



Last update: Nov 2017.